Fermín Lasuén

Father Padre Fermín de Francisco Lasuén de Arasqueta (June 7, 1736 – June 26, 1803) was a Spanish missionary to Alta California, the second presidente and founder of the California Franciscan Mission Chain.

He was born at Vitoria in Álava, Spain and joined the Franciscan order, becoming ordained in 1752. In 1758 he volunteered to work in America. He arrived in Mexico in 1761 and was sent to Baja California in 1768. Following the establishment of Mission San Diego de Alcalá in 1769, he went to Northern California in 1773. He based himself in San Diego and remained there until 1775; he helped establish Mission San Juan Capistrano before the murder of Father Luís Jayme. Kumeyaay Indian unrest caused his return to San Diego and the general withdrawal of Spanish operations. In late 1776 he went to San Luis Obispo before again returning to San Diego in 1777 when he was made minister there. He was appointed the second Presidente of the missions in California in 1785, replacing Junípero Serra, and transferred to the Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo. On his death he was succeeded by Father Pedro Estévan Tápis.

Personality and Character

Although of a more introspective and brooding temperament than his predecessor Junipero Serra, Lasuén was single-minded and a capable administrator, founding the remaining California missions. It is clear from his diaries that Lasuén struggled with loneliness and perhaps some depression brought about by the extreme conditions he encountered in San Diego when he was asked to return to restore order after the murder of Fray Jayme. Lasuén described the ardors of missionary life as such:

"A missionary priest has to engage in many duties, many of which only concern him as a means to something else. He is responsible for the spiritual and temporal welfare of people who are many and varied. He has individuals who are more dependent on him than small children, for there are many needs that arise...and many different things to be done for the different groups that make up the community. He is surrounded by pagans, and placed in charge of neophytes who can be trusted but a little..."[1]

At age 47, writing to his friend Fray Joseph de Jesus Maria Velez in 1783, Lasuén stated:

"I am already old and entirely gray and although [to some extent] this is caused by my age, yet the difficult exercise of my position here has also brought this about, especially during the five years I am about to celebrate as minister of San Diego. This land is for apostles only and its people call for apostolic men greater than I happen to be; but (thanks to God) I enjoy good health and shall try to use it to some good purpose, although somewhat languidly.[2]

Missions Founded by Fray Fermín Lasuén

He also oversaw the expansion of many of the California mission sites.


  1. ^ , Wise, Winifred, "Fray Junipero Serra and the California Conquest", New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1967,pp. 154-155.
  2. ^ Geiger, Maynard, OFM, "The Life and Times of Junipero Serra, Vol. II" Richmond: William Byrd Press, 1959, p. 322."